Artificial Intelligence and Law : Which Way To Take

Elçim Öztürk
3 min readFeb 20, 2022


It was impossible for mankind, which wanted to take its existence one step further, not to adopt the artificial intelligence introduced in 1956, which it did, and it got to the point where it raised the following questions:

Can humanity, which flourished when it was Homo Sapiens and move to the top of the chain, be dominated in the future by more advanced beings it has built?

According to Yuval Noah Harari, it is possible to understand artificial intelligence through 2 concepts. To him, intelligence is our problem-solving ability. Our consciousness means our ability to feel things. In artificial intelligence, the intelligence part is done, but the consciousness part is missing. Harari finds it terrifying that AI, which lacks emotion and constantly becomes smarter than man, gains power over mankind. Most people also join Harari, claiming that technological development will harm and manipulate people after a certain stage. Harari also describes this situation as an evolutionary conflict.However concerned mankind is about this situation, it does not give up the advantages of technology and data science and occurs in almost everything that human beings touch. It is no doubt a coincidence that the symbol of justice, which has always been on the agenda since the existence of societies, has found its use in the legal sector.

Today, the fact that theoretical knowledge is one of the final building blocks in the practice of the profession, and the inability of lawyers to keep up with the intense pace, of course, necessitates the use of artificial intelligence, which is the solution of these problems, by law firms and courts. So much so that it allowed him to work on it even before the unlawful act even took place. Thanks to the rapid access to data, the psychology of the criminal, which is also the field of study of criminology science, is determined due to areas where artificial intelligence is present, such as social media channels and street cameras. In addition, internationally recognized organizations such as ECHR and IPC are actively benefiting from “cognitive assets” today. Harari also mentioned that artificial intelligence will not always be dystopian , it will be utopian. By taking its benefits, providing control, it will not only make it easier for most lawyers, institutions and courts to do the job, but will make the job more qualified unless the limit is exceeded. So what’s the limit here?

Global companies are particularly based on generating data when investing millions of dollars in applications. By rebuilding this data, as Harari points out, he creates non-organic beings by trying to give brains, bodies and willpower ; they cause the cumulative development of technology. When setting the limit, it should be based on the fact that these assets do not develop a structure that is contrary to our own existence, and that our constitutionally guaranteed rights are not compromised. So there are rules that people who own data, companies, states that have a say must follow. Harari summarizes its own path with 3 rules when offering a solution:

1) Personalities with data should help those who will benefit from this service when using the data, not manipulate it.

2) To increase the supervision of individuals, as well as the control of partnering institutions, states and even their senior officials

3) Never give access to the merging of all data in one place

In the legal sector, it is necessary to look at artificial intelligence within the framework of these rules, not taking away people’s jobs. All authorities and employers have a great responsibility in this regard.

As a result, even if the current situation evolves into robots like in sci-fi films, artificial beings in all areas of life, not only the legal sector, will make our job easier with human beings taking good care of the aforementioned “boundary”. Just as Harari said:

“Just as Homo Sapiens learned co-operate with each other many thousand years ago, we need to cooperate now again”






Elçim Öztürk

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